Living and Authentic life

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Family Photos in Texas

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So during Thanksgiving we all got together in Texas and went to the botanical gardens to update our family pictures. Kristy's sister in-law Stacey took the pictures and they turned out FABULOUS! Thank you I went through the CD that they sent me and here are a few of my favorites, it was hard to narrow them down, I think I have a top 30....but I am only going to post 10 or so.....I really like how they turned out! So enjoy the pictures and then as far as an update goes here is how life has been lately! I had so much fun in Texas with my family, we spent Thanksgiving there and ate good food, told fun stories, caught up on everyone's lives, played racquetball, and went to movies. I got to see my uncles and aunts and cousins, nieces and nephews and my new sweet baby nephew Rex! He is a handsome boy. Thank you so much Kristy for letting us all invade your space and you did a fabulous job on all the food! Since I have been home I have taken some time to recover from the 40 hours total in the van there and back with a 2 year old, Tae did good for the most part, and he had his moments. I have been back to work and honestly the week back was some of the nicest, warmest winter weather for December. It was a nice treat since come monday it has turned much colder. I feel like winter is finally here. I go back into the field for another week and then I am off for christmas. We are celebrating it here in St. George with Kp, Spencer and mom and dad. It will be great and nice not to travel. I am looking forward to the new year with new goals and things to work toward. This next year I will begin looking for graduate programs and seeing what will fit and take the GRE. Life as always with 2 precious boys is so much fun and we feel blessed! Happy Holidays! OK I can only post one so I made a slideshow! Enjoy!

Friday, December 5, 2008

Fun Slideshow

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Saturday, November 15, 2008

Fun times/more fun pictures

So Shad set it up today where the boys are with Matt's family all day today! I am soooo happy, a whole day to myself! I want to for sure get in some naps and go for a run or something and then get in some more naps....really just relax, I have been so tired lately and my weekends go fast! I am looking forward to the 2 weeks off I have for the thanksgiving holiday to go see my new nephew and hang out with family. Really don't have much to say, work is great! I love being out there and mentoring, it is such a cool job, my boys are doing great. They have adjusted well to me being gone and love being with their dad or Cami when I am gone. Tae knows when I am gone I am working......I miss them, but the weekends are great! and I love the smiles and hugs I get when I pick them up! Tae walked up to me the other day and sweetly said, "momma I missed you!" For sure little tears were in my eyes then! Shad and I are doing great, I think the biggest adjustment we have had to deal with is us....and finding time together. We thought it would be the boys when I started working full time, but it is "us time" we miss, it really had developed a sense of appreciation and lately when I am home we just lock ourselves in our house and play with the boys and cuddle on the couch....after the holdiays we will start getting out there more, just one of those times we are being hermitish and relaxing and enjoying time together. I love that I get to see my parents so often and that Kristen lives so close, which by the way Kp it really is lame you only blog once a year....ha ha! anyway so that is life right now, it is getting colder in the field, but I have great gear, so no worries, I am going to be getting some new gear soon so that should be nice! I have had some of my other stuff for sooooo long....Shad got a deer and antelope this year and no elk, but we still have a lot of elk from last year so we are pretty much set for the year with meat. I love that he has gotten into hunting. We always have access to organic wild meat that is soo good for you! Taren has begun figuring out crawling and can get around with this little army crawl and is sitting up on his own. Life is good and I am off to go back to bed, enjoy the pics...

Monday, November 3, 2008

Halloween...The real deal....

Ok I know I posted a Halloween preview, now here are the real deal pictures taken the day of, yes Taegyn had a blast, at first he struggled with the concept of not eating each piece of candy immediately once they were placed in his bucket....however he quickly caught on and each time he got another piece he was thrilled, it happened at each house....trick or treating has NEVER been more fun, I mean I know that is ME saying that, but seriously as much fun as I had trick or treating my whole life, I can't say any of my own experiences with this holiday have ever been as fun as what I saw and experienced that night with my wonderful 2 year old, his faces of delight at each house...sigh...I took mental pictures all night....and Taren did so good in the stroller lady walked by and said...oh what a cute pumpkin....Hello people he is clearly a nemo fish.....:)We went with some of our good friends Josh and Laura so I included a picture of the pretty princess and wonder woman! I really wish I had a picture of Josh...his costume, especially the mask was so great!

Sunday, October 19, 2008

More Halloween Preview....

Here are some more, couldn't resist.....

I LOVE my job!

Well there you go, I have started working full time, and so far I absolutely love my schedule and what I do, I get to see both instructor teams and help both, I get to be home every weekend and I get to focus on mentoring which I still really love! So its great, I have been able to spend tons of time with the boys this weekend and it is nice to be doing something for myself and our family during the week. :) I feel really blessed to be able to do this and get myself ready for graduate school here in the next year or two....its even getting cold in the field and its no big deal to me because I only have to weather it for 4 days! And the boys were great with Cami this week, so I think it is going to go well. :) More Halloween preview pictures...yeah Tae wanted to try on Taren's costume...I couldn't resist! :)

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Halloween Preview

They don't get much cuter than this folks! Yes my little one is going to be a nemo fish! I had to try it on right away hence the preview pictures....I am going to put his legs in orange sweats and he will wear a long sleeve orange or white onesie so he stays warm! I love it and the best thing, it was $30 and I got it for $10 including shipping on ebay....Gotta love ebay and gotta love dang cutie pie halloween babies! I am glad I still have lots of time and reasons to still enjoy Halloween! :) The others are of my 3 favorite boys in the whole world.....ok there is dad and spencer too and my new nephew rex....but they aren't in this picture...enjoy!

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

I have been Tagged by Laura....

So this is a new one. The game is you go to your pictures and open up the 4th folder and upload the 4th picture then tell about it!

Ok so this picture was around the time we had gotten a bunch of clothes from Nate, and this lion outfit came with it, as soon as he saw it, he only wanted to wear that, it didn't matter what outfit he had on underneath, lion was over the top, this lasted for weeks, when finally it magically disapeared...imagine favorite was when we went to walmart one day and he had it on, he got all kinds of attention, mind you this was at the end of Febuary so no Halloween in was great, he was also eating some chocolate in this picture so it looks like it could be Halloween, gotta love cute kids! They make my life so full of joy!

I tag Bri, Kp, Mary, Kristy and Cami

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Be financially independant in the years to come....Mutal Funds

So I just have to share this cool thing about financial independance...I heard it from my mom and dad awhile ago and it makes so much sense, the sooner the better to start saving, because then by the time your 50 or 60 whenever you decide to stop working the better....ok here it is....
So my mom and dad are pretty much financially independant. They have done it with smart investments and hard work, I love that they get to do pretty much whatever they want when they want and not have to have financial stress. They don't have to stress themselves out when helping out all of us kids and I want that for Shad and here is what they said to do and they have a fantastic financial planner on their side..
So you take a year or 2 and save up about $10,000-$14,000...for my example I am going to start with $10,000. Once you have that starting nest egg you find a or some mutal funds to invest it in....mutal funds are very safe and net typically a 10-14% return. Ok, so now each year you let the interest acrue and the key here is to keep feeding the fund as well with your own money...Try and have it be $500-$1000 a monthly...for some this may be hard so even $100-200 is some. My example is going to use adding $12,000 a year (saving and feeding the mutal fund $1000 month) to the fund along with the growing interest each year to illustrate how cool this turns out by the time Shad and I are 50.
Ok so lets say that by the time Shad and I are 31 we have saved $10,000 to put into a mutal fun and we spend the next 9 years feeding it and letting it grow off interest, I am going to use a 10% return for this example.
Age 32 - $10,000 in + $1000 in interest + $12,000 saved for that year = $23,000
Age 33 - $23,000 in + $2300 in interest + $12,000 saved for that year = $37,300
Age 34 - $37,000 in + $3700 in interest(for the year remember+$12,000 added = $53,000
already if you wanted to stop there we could have a couple of missions paid for...but we don't want to stop so lets keep going...
Age 35 - $53,000 + 5300 in interest + $12,000 saved for that year = $70,300
Age 36 - $70,300 + $7030 in interest + $12,000 saved for that year = $89,330
Age 37 - $89,330 + $8933 in interest + $12,000 = $110,263
Age 38 - $110,263 + $11,026 in interest + $12,000 = $133,289
Age 39 - $133,289 + $13,329 in interest + $12,000 = $158,618
Age 40 - $158,618 + $15,861 in interest + $12,000 = $174,479
So at this point the mutal fund and interest it makes really start working for you, the key here is to up how much you are feeding it each year, so I am going to begin adding $1500 a month so $17,000 a year, the logic behind this is that most of us by age 40 are in our careers and making more, so saving more should be easier...ok here we go
Age 41 - $174,479 + $17,448 + $17,000 saved = $208,927
Age 42 - $208,927 + $20,893 + $17,000 saved = $246,820
Age 43 - $246,820 + $24,682(this is interest acrued for the year remember) + $17,000(and this is what we would save each year and put into the fund) saved = $288,502
Age 44 - $288,502 + $28,850 + $17,000 saved = $334,352
Age 45 - $334,352 + $33,435 + $17,000 saved = $384,787
Ok here Tae would be mission age, on the interest alone, his mission would be covered! :) Lets keep going
Age 46 - $384,787 + $38,479 + $17,000 saved = $440,266
Age 47 - $440,266 + $44,026 + $17,000 saved = $501,292
We are at a 1/2 million dollars here folks....could retire at this age and live off interest if Shad and I decided to be really would give us $50,000 a year to live off, and then a 1/2 million to live on the rest of our lives, but lets keep going a few more years...
Age 48 - $501,292 + $50,129 + $17,000 = $568,421
Age 49 - $568,421 + $56,842 + $17,000 = $642,263
Age 50 - $642,263 + $64,226 + $17,000 = $723,489
Ok Shad and I could retire on this easily and live off the interest, we could stop working completely and live off $72,000 a year if we wanted to, kids are in college by now, it would just be living off the interest while maintaining our 3 quarter of a million dollar nest egg, to use for a rainy day....sounds dreamy! But lets say Shad and I push 5 more years....and increase how much we feed the fund to $2000 a month so $24,000 a year...
Age 51 - $723,489 + $72,348 + $24,000 = $819,837
Age 52 - $819,837 + $81,984 + $24,000 = $925,821
Age 53 - $925,821 + $92,582 + $24,000 = $1,042,403
Age 54 - $1,042,403 + $104,240 + $24,000 = $1,170,643
Age 55 - $1,170,643 + $117,064 + $24,000 = $1,311,707
Shad and I stop working....and whala we have over a million dollars as a retirement nest egg and can completely live comfortabley off the interest without ever touching our investment unless we want to, we would be able to live off $130,000 a year, that is a great income and spend the last 50 years or so of our life doing WHATEVER we wanted pretty much....I love the idea and we are working towards it, being financially independant is one of the greatest things I have seen my parents accomplish and it has been a great example. There is so much freedom to it. Now the amounts are going to vary whether smaller or bigger depending on how much you save, and if you can start with more then and feed it with more then some people could retire by 40! And you don't have to invest in mutal funds either, there are other ways to go to save for your retirement, however mutal funds are pretty safe and give a consistent return. :) So there you go, thought all of you should know, start saving now, whether it is $100,000 or $1,000,000 it will be nice to not have to stress out about working or paying for things for your kids or even enjoying yourself when you are got and idea for financial independance, there are a lot out there, so good luck to all, as for me and Shad.....we hope to be in New Zealand on our 30th year anniversary celebrating financial freedom! (ps - colleges and missions and weddings paid for by then as well :) I have known about this for awhile now, and it has been hard to save, so now we can start saving, and get out of debt, and then save even more to build our nest egg, some people could easily have 2 or 3 million depending on how they save and live....good luck to all of you! Thought you all should know this!
ps - always have to throw in cute pictures of my boys....:)

Thursday, October 2, 2008

More fun pictures

Lots of fun in provo....

The Winds of Change......

Well I feel like I am about to turn a huge corner on my life....great and fun changes are coming my way! I have decided to start working full-time starting October 13. I love that Second Nature Entrada has created a job for me that works for me. I get to work Monday-Thursday in the field and do mentoring, I will be available to both instructor shifts so they can all utalize my skills out in the field and then I will come out fairly early on Thursday by 11 or noon and spend a half day in the office updating the field directors on the instructors and talking about instructor development and then doing my own paperwork! I love the schedule and feel so blessed that the company I have spent so many years working for appreciates me! I know I will have to adjust to working every week, but 4 days on and 3 days off is better than 8 days on 6 days off. I am so glad my hard work there has paid off, now I get to do a job I love and within a year Shad and I are mainly debt free except for the home! How cool is that! and then when I decide to go to graduate school here in the near future, I won't have to work if I don't want to because we will be financially set! What a great blessed life we I know I will miss my boys, I always do! However, the great thing and why I feel even more blessed is that when they are not with me, they will be with Shad, and if they can't be with either of us....they are going to be with my dear sweet cousin Cami! no matter what they are with family. She has said she would be willing to watch them the days that Shad is going to be working and I am gone, so overall they will only have to spend 10 days a month in daycare, and that daycare is pretty much cousin FUN! How lucky did I get! Ok its not luck...just blessed, I am truly grateful! So that is the plan, work for a year, get out of debt, find a graduate program, take the GRE in the next year and get ready to eventually get my masters degree and become a therapist. I feel like I am moving towards my personal legend. Each step along the way has held so many wonderful lessons and I get to continue to grow and learn about myself. Whoohoo for life and learning! I have some long term plans and a desire to have my own center for healing, eventually go to massage therapy school and some other things, and I used to be in such a rush to get there and now I find myself savoring my time and living more in the present. I know I will get to where I want to be as long as I let the Savior be an example and let Heavenly Father guide me to continue to heal myself and be an instrument in his hands. I love the gospel, I love my sweet unconditionally loving family who continues to support and be there for me...I am humbled often at the love and gratitude I feel for them, what a gift and blessing they have been and are in my life. I am excited to see my new nephew this thanksgiving season, I got the time off for that...don't want to miss seeing his beautiful face...he will be born on Oct 9! Yeah! So like I said what a great life, as the year begins to wrap up I feel so blessed and so excited to move forward with all the great things this adventure on earth has in store for our family! Thank you to all my friends and family who share this wonderful journey with me! I love ya!

Friday, September 26, 2008

Who doesn't have 10 or 15 extra min.....

Well here we go....I am home in Provo, I still call it home because it is where I pretty much grew up, I am by myself here in my parents house, my mom and dad went up to Idaho Falls to a wedding, and Shad went up with Shantell to Boise to visit Shaylor and Jackie....we were all going to go, but me and the boys are sick, and I don't want Jackie to have to deal with Rowdy being sick because of here we are alone at the house and I love doing absolutely nothing, I woke up at 10, fed the boys breakfast, we played and then we all took naps, Tae is still asleep while I blog right now and Taren is in his bumbo....hanging out with me....ok now he is back down for a nap and Tae is up....that is how it goes sometimes, I put one down the other gets up, then I get Tae down and Taren gets up, sometimes I am lucky if they both go down at the same today, I got to sneak in a nap. Anyway that is the point of my title....whenever I put Tae down for a nap or to bed, if I just walk in there and set him in the pack in play or crib, he always cries for a little bit, but.....if I take 10 or 15 min and we sing some songs and say a prayer together...he goes down and not a peep, not crying at I have been committed to make sure that I take that time before putting him down to sleep, because come on...who doesn't have 10 or 15 min? It helps us bond and spend quality time together, and now Tae sings the songs with me, and if the songs have hand gestures like popcorn popping on the apricot tree or itsy bitsy spider, he does them with me I love it! He says new words everyday, he will be full on talking before I know it. He still wants to do everything with Shad, it is constantly "where's daddy" and "no mamma, daddy help.." Shad became his favorite overnight, what can I say I am out of the club, I don't have the right parts....on another note Taren is about done nursing, we do it once in the morning and once at night and my milk is getting lower and lower, I can hardly pump always happens sooner than I want it to, this happened with Tae around the same time.....I have taken supplements this time with Taren to try and increase my milk supply, and it has helped, but now I just can't get him to nurse enough to keep it going, so I am going to stop, we made it 6 months and I am happy about that, I wanted to go 8 months with Taren, but oh well. He is eating more solid food these days I would say it is 40% food, 40% formula and then 20% nursing. I switched Tae to raw milk when he was between 8-10 months and he has done great on it, so I only plan on using formula for Taren till he is about 8 or 9 months old and then I will transition him to raw milk as well. Redmond farm really has the best, even though it is hard to get, it is worth it. Taren is rolling all over the place and will figure out sitting up and crawling soon, it is fun to watch him grow up. Shad's knee is getting a lot better, he still has to be careful, and it is really stiff sometimes, but it is slowly getting more mobility and he bikes a lot with Mony to help it keep strengthen, he will be going on hunts soon, hopefully he is successful with all 3, then our freezer will be overflowing with organic wild game once again, we still have a bit of elk, and it will be nice to have it full again. I am planning on working full time soon, just trying to see what my options are first and what will fit best for me at Second Nature Entrada. We want to be debt free by the time I start graduate school. Well there you go that is our family in a nutshell and what has been happening. :)

Thursday, September 18, 2008

and I am over it.....

New I am over it and moving on, it feels good. I have been consistently going to the gym these days and am loving it, my body is changing and it feels good to get into shape, I have been great with my nutrition as well. Life is good, what can I say, I am in between working for a little and just enjoying being home with the boys, sleeping in, having great times with friends and family...what more could you really ask for in life?

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Great Song

So I have found a song for the current place I am in right now, isn't that just great when a new song comes along and emcompasses how you feel? I love this song and it is a great one about how I feel about a relationship I have had recently changed...and no....this one has nothing to do with Shad :) We are great!

so this song was the new Pink song called So what, I loved it and it served for a time.....

Friday, September 12, 2008

Back from the Field.....and lots to talk about

So I went into the field last minute for 4 days from Tuesday to Friday, it was great as usual, lots of fun and overall pretty easy....I have lots to say and catch up about....but I am tired and at least wanted to post a fun picture and let everone know a great blog is shortly coming....:) This is Taren eating one of his first official solid food meals...they grow up soo fast!

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Well there you go.....

So I find myself thinking about change and about relationships and well humans in general.....I think its great for relationships with people to change, whether in a positive direction or a, "we are no longer going to hang out direction", it is a natural part of being in relationships, you start by finding things in common, or ideas or whatever it is that initially sparks any relationship and then it is either nurtured and grows and then changes as a product of the nurturing or people make different choices and it changes, finding less in common, or less to relate about, or lets be honest.....we get deeper and deeper with a person and then get to a place where we realize we would or wouldn't be friends with someone when more of their character is revealed. And certainly no relationship is in vain or needs to be labeled as wasted time, because we learn so much about ourselves in relationships and what we can continue to work on and better in ourselves, I guess its just too bad that that comes at a price sometimes, what I mean by that is, the hard part of change in a relationship, the letting go, the moving on if that is what is needed, or the sticking with it, because it is worth it, the ties run too deep....or more is to be learned from each other, either way it really is too bad when people can't move on or talk about things in a way that Christ would, and that is where my thoughts go about humans in general, how finicky and reactive we can be at really is silly when you look at the big picture to ever leave or move on or "change" the relationship in hurt and anger....I guess that is what I am finding with my own relationships...having less expectations and more gratitude about what I can learn about myself by knowing and spending time with someone, because in the end, no matter how well I think I know someone.....I will never know them like they know themselves, and I can really only ever work on myself, I mean I believe I can influence others....and I can only change myself. I think when people want to start making choices, "good" or "bad" they want to surround themselves with people who support their choices so they don't have to feel bad about their behavior, whether good or bad, but I am talking more about "poor" choices here, and you want to surround yourself with people who share your same values, if that changes you are going to change your friends, it is inevitable...(I think this also happens in any kind of relationship by the way), and so there in lies my thoughts.....I get why relationships change and that there are always two sides to every story...I find myself moving to a place of not who can I be closest to, but how can I be grateful to spend quality time with people who help make me a better person and how can I savor those times, whether with friends/family or a spouse....So change is GREAT and I am glad I have had recent experiences with some of my relationships changing, it has challenged my perceptions about expectations, what really matters, and ultimately how to have more gratitude and less judgement and less expectation.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Back on the Fitness train....and I am really serious this time!

So I have started lifting and running again, but not just a little and light weights....full blown intensity, intensity, and well more intensity...I listened to this great audio book called ultimate fitness....and i LOVED it! I knew it would inspire me...and you know what I really LOVED about was written by a reporter, we all know reporters ask a TON of she started asking them about fitness, what are the best ways to get in shape, why does one thing work and not another, I like her book because it is based on her researching every question you could think of and finding the roots to why certain things started in the fitness world, like the HR formula...which by the way is kinda BS! I know right...what am I saying...that is only one of the things that totally blew me away! That standard formula and where it came from I can't remember where it came from...I will have to listen to that again, but I do remember it was never meant to be standardized all across the board, Polar HR monitor company took that formula and did it to sell more HR monitors....I mean its good to know your HR and what your max and you min is, but just subtracting 220 from your age and then multiplying it by 80% or the low end 60% may not be what the high end of your HR is, the best way to test is to get on a treadmill, sprint till you cannot take another step and then moniter what your high is then.....bottom line of the gotta be working out hard enough to sweat, and I am not talking just a nice light sweat, I am talking heart pounding, face dripping, hey I need to clean the machine off for sure when I am done sweat! That goes with weights too, be lifting enough to have a hard time finishing 3 sets....meaning each set is hard to do, and no us women will not ever bulk up and look like men if we lift hard and intensely, it just won't happen. Exercising vigerously for at least 45 min a day minus sundays at least for me....with high intensity....well she says in the book that is the kind of exercise that changed bodies and really tones them out and droppes lbs and body fat! So here I come hard intensity fitness it is all hard I can train now won't be as hard as I could push myself in a month or I know I still gotta be patient...but I have decided that these last few months of the year before I turn 30, are the months where I will get into the best shape of my life and then maintain that the rest of my life so that I can be an active spry grandma someday! Plus lets be honest, even although I am back to "normal" pre pregnancy weight, I miss the hard toned muscles I used to have and the lower body fat I am sick of talking about it and kinda trying, I am jumping in and hitting the fitness train with all I have I come the best shape of my life...and don't worry I will be posting pictures! So you can all cheer me on....oh and I forgot, of course nutrition is a HUGE deal when trying to get in the best shape of my life, so other than thanksgiving day and christmas is oatmeal and other yummy grains, apples, watermelon and other delicious fruits, chicken, elk, fish and lots of veggies and salads for me....:) I am SO excited, plus I have really decided I miss that feeling I get when I leave the gym having worked really hard, or biking around town with the boys and wanting to just come home and enjoy the workout relieves my stress, I have more energy and I love how my body ends up really why wouldn't I jump on the fitness train for those type of dividends! I will keep you updated! Tune in for more...1 picture to start, one of my favorite taken almost a year after Tae was born....I look great and I want to feel that way everyday from NOW ON! :)

What the Flip!!

So I have decided since this morning, and maybe this weekend because the group was crap that I am in this over sensitive over reactive did I get sucked in? It must have snuck up on me, I am getting OUT! seriously I just need to chill out! Let things mull around in my brain for a sec and then just relax.....

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Some fun pictures that go with the entry below

Here are some fun pics I had a hard time attaching with the below entry...

HOME again....

Well I am out of the field once again...I sure do feel like I have been working a lot lately, and it is paying off...literally....we are finally catching up on all of our bills and torn ACL and having a baby bills....GOOD TIMES! It is worth it! I love coming home and seeing my sweet boys...I get such big smiles and hugs....I have decided that as much as I would like to make it to at least 8 months nursing, that I will probley only make it to milk is so low even now and that is with taking a supplement that is supposed to help boost I am still going to try...but not be too upset if I only make it to 6 months....on another note...I had a great time in the field, I always get such positive feedback about how much I am helping those I work with, and lately I have worked with some really fun makes working and camping and staying away from my boys a little easier....Taren is now rolling over and Taegyn well he is as curious and busy as ever and soo much fun! I am glad to not have school right now, and I do feel like when I am not in the field I am still working a lot doing stuff for Matt, I have mulled around working full time again soon and that may happen sooner than later now....we will see! All around I look at my life and feel so blessed. I have a great husband and 2 amazing boys...I have met some really great new friends and reconnected with old ones...I love my job when I mentor and I LOVE playing with my boys! Life is good, it can't hurt that my favorite season of the year is coming up, it is already in provo, but takes longer to get here in st. george.... and that would be FALL! The smell, the colors of the trees the nice cool weather that is neither too hot or too cold....I LOVE IT, plus you get to wear hoodies and cute main staple fall wear! I am also super grateful at the progress we have made on the house so far, slowly but surely....well its late, and I couldn't sleep before and now i feel like I could...I will not miss windy flappy keep me up all night tarps tonight....tonight I get soft, warm bed cuddling up to the man I love most! :)

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Quite the predicament....

So this morning when I went to get Tae up.....Here is what I saw.....he had gotten is leg through the crib bars....and his knee now won't go back he was stuck this morning, well I didn't know how to get him out and every time I tried I was hurting I called in Shad, and he came and magically got Tae out without hurting him, YEAH for DADDY' are some pictures and some fun words that Tae is saying now while we were waiting for Daddy....:)

Monday, August 25, 2008

Gotta love waddle babies....

I had to post this, we were leaving the corn fest and Tae was soaked from the slide, so he was running around in his diaper, and I love watching his waddle is sooo cute! :)


Well he is officially growing up....Taren is now rolling over, laughing a lot, getting on a schedule, likes to be held all the time, especially when sleeping and in general a BLAST to be around. I love my life, with 3 amazing boys in it to spend wonderful moments with, I will also be posting pics of the house soon, the walls turned out great! Enjoy the rolling over pics....He also loves to find his toes and grab onto them....I got so lucky with such great boys!