Living and Authentic life

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Halloween Preview

They don't get much cuter than this folks! Yes my little one is going to be a nemo fish! I had to try it on right away hence the preview pictures....I am going to put his legs in orange sweats and he will wear a long sleeve orange or white onesie so he stays warm! I love it and the best thing, it was $30 and I got it for $10 including shipping on ebay....Gotta love ebay and gotta love dang cutie pie halloween babies! I am glad I still have lots of time and reasons to still enjoy Halloween! :) The others are of my 3 favorite boys in the whole world.....ok there is dad and spencer too and my new nephew rex....but they aren't in this picture...enjoy!


Bri!!! said...

OH MY GOSH! That is so dang cute. Now he and Caleb need to get together because Caleb is Squirt. Where are you going to be for Halloween anyway? You should head up to Provo:-).

Laura said...

So cute!!!! I bet Josh is wishing he had a beard like Shad because it's freezing up there I guess!

LinZee said...

Your babies are so cute. I love the Nemo costume. Good Job on EBAY. Happy Halloween. I will post pics of our costumes soon.

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