Living and Authentic life

Sunday, January 6, 2008

Christmas 2007!

Well Christmas was so much fun this year! I mean Shad ended up in the emergency room, but hey, christmas was still a blast, let me explain. We ended up in Provo this year, I got out of the field on the 22nd and headed down, Shad had already been there for a few days with Taegyn, we had a blast watching movies, eating good food and of course lots of treats, well something we must have ate christmas eve day or the night before did us all in the Pool family in....and when we showed up at the Sorensen's to spend christmas eve and christmas morning....well shad started getting really sick, I knew from past experience that it was only a matter of time before he started really throwing up, we had all gotten some kind of food poisening, almost everyone in the Pool family threw up or felt yucky christmas eve night, but Shad got it the worst and sure enough ended up in the emergency room to get pumped full of anti diarreah, and anti nausea meds and to get some fluids in him...(this has happened 3 other times before...never on christmas eve.) Shawn his brother stayed with him, and eventually brought him back and Shad was groggy and tired and still a little sick Christmas morning, but eventually he rolled around and felt better, unfortunately by the time he felt really good, he had to go back to work. I only threw up twice gratefully and Taegyn only once, he had such a wonderful christmas! We all got fun stuff that we can use and needed, but Taegyn got so many wonderful new toys to play with, he definently got some cool stuff and is a super blessed kid, the Sorensen's and the Pool's took care of this little boy and he had a blast, the slide show above is some fun Christmas morning pictures of him in his Christmas PJ's. Over all it was such a fun and relaxing 2 weeks off! Next year will be even funner because then we can tell Taegyn all about Santa Clause.....:)