So a quick update on the whole babio of now my baby is still head up and I am only at a 1, it isn't even april yet, so I am not worried, Tae was head up clear until the last week or so, I will let you know more as it goes since now I am to once a week visits, I have to make the decision by wednesday if I want the doc to manually try and move him head down, but it is not a gentle "hey lets turn your baby with my hands moment" it can be pretty rough for me and the baby, and it is only 65% effective and half the time after that percentage the babies go back to being head up again, what I read online is that most babies who are head up turn by the time it is go time, so again...I think I am going to decline on the manual movement if he is still head up wednesday, and just patiently wait for this little guy to turn and for my body to get more and more ready for labor, I figure babies come when they are ready and if I am not filled with fear and worry, he'll know what to do and help me out and turn when he needs it has been interesting to watch so many things change at the place I usually work when I am not pregnant, lots of people moving around and moving on and all sorts of different jobs are opening up...sometimes I think about what if....what if I had walked a different road, taken a different know that kind of thing, I have watched people over the years I have worked at 2n come and go and some have made a really nice career at 2n, I never wanted to be on the management side of things, and sometimes I wonder what it would have been like if I had been....I have a moment, but it ends up being just a moment..and then I remember that the universe is big and expansive and there is room for us all to achieve our dreams, I watch others step into some amazing opportunities and realize that the timing or the desire for certain jobs for me has just not been there, so I continue to trust in the lord and wait patiently for my time to realize one of my dreams, to work on the theraputic side of things, until then, I get to realize one of my other dreams right now, to have an amazing family that will soon be filled with 2 sweet boys....well 3 if you count their daddy!!!
Slow Start
I slept in until 8:30, which is a big deal for me.
Christian had already started work when I woke up, but the house was
We had stayed up so la...
1 week ago
I am excited for you. You are getting so close. I can't believe it. Did you get all my messages about the CD on your gmail IM? Hopefully we will convert it tomorrow. I think Taren will turn on his own, especially if Taegyn did. OK, so I want to see some belly pics. I put some up so now it's your turn:-). I am planning on doing it each month from here on out, but we will see. Well, Dan is getting on me to go watch a movie so I better go. Keep me posted. I can't wait to hear about Tarens amazing birth. Good Luck!
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