Living and Authentic life

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Quick Post, Babio update

Well, we had an appointment this last wednesday and found out baby was head down!! Yeah! I was sooo relieved! Shad teased me after about how extreme I get with trying stuff, he was like "you don't just try 2 or 3 read about everything you can do to turn a baby, you buy books, schedule massages, acupuncture, look on the internet and if it gives you 17 suggestions you try all 17, you go swimming and you hate chlorine in your hair, you dive to the bottom of the pool to try and turn maybe he is right, I did try a lot of things, and whether this little tike turned on his own or not...if what I did helped or least I know I was willing to do my portions to do whatever it took to stay away from C-sectionville...and what can I say...I am a sponge of knowledge, I like to explore lots of different avenues and try lots of different things, I think that is what helps me stay so open to so many different things and phenomenons in life...anyway things are looking good, as soon as April hits it can be anyday now..I hope he comes earlier than later...and reading this hypno birthing book and listening to the affirmations CD makes me want to contemplate natural baby birth on his own time so no inducing, but I haven't made my final decision yet....more later!! Yeah Taren for turning....thanks for helping mama out....:) by the way Shad says that cereal and ice cream can't be the only things I can eat before this baby is born....I say why not, I eat the fat free low cal kind, I think I must need the extra calcium because ice cream sounds good all the time, and cereal is just easy, only 2 dishes to wash and its cooking, yeah Shad leave me alone already...:) a pregnant woman should get what she wants the last 2 weeks...:)

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Cool Relationship Stuff

So Shad and I have recently gotten involved in a marriage strengthening class, I wanted to do it because I think it is great to do anything that fortifies and makes for a better relationship, Shad intially did it because he thought it was important for me, but now he is more on board, anyway there is some cool stuff I am learning about that pertains to having a happy, well rounded, balanced marriage. The first thing that we covered were actually 4 cornerstones that President Hinkley metioned in a talk for couples. He said if these 4 things were happening that any marriage would be sitting on a sure foundation, instead of a weak one. The 4 are 1- Having mutal respect for each other - this one is pretty straight forward. 2 - Soft answers/soft replies even if disagreeing or in an arguement, granted easy to say harder to do, especially when your mad at each other, but even practicing this more it make a huge difference, for example I have found even if I am upset or have some concerns I want to express to Shad, that I don't have to be a big B and treat him poorly, I believe I can still treat Shad the way I would want to be treated even if I have negative feelings, yes they eventually need to be talked about and resolved but in the inbetween time I have learned (and still am learning) to still be kind and nice with my attitude and words, which inevitably creates better moments when we do process stuff. 3 - Financial honesty - he made a great point here that is he not talking financial responsibility as much as being honest and not doing the whole "my husband can never know I bought this or vice versa, that all financial matters are done together and both are on the same page. 4 - Couples prayer - he made a huge point here saying that if couples did this consistently, and this being different that the prayers you say over food or with your kids, but together morning and night, if more couple did this one and only this one, you would see communication improve dramatically. Shad and I are not as vigilant as we could be on this one, so we are trying for the next month every night to end the day with a prayer that we do together. The teacher talked about 3 things couples can do to strengthen marriage, 1 - husbands kissing thier wife before they leave and when they come home, he compared it to being their ticket out and their ticket back in. 2 - Call once a day and just check in. and 3 - again couples prayer. He talked about learning how to be pliable and flexible in a marriage and that it was essential to growing together and being able to meet each other halfway (comprimise) He made the comparison that a marriage is a corporation for those 2 people, it is our corporation so we need to always be working and making decisions together. He listed 8 areas that are couple areas that would be best discussed and decided together not necisarily delegated into different parts. They are Time, Money, Resources, Intimacy, Life Philosophies, Spirituality, Parenting-discipline, and communication-disputes/dissagreements. He taught that it is best never to make an individual decision in what would be a couples area. To not act like we are single in an area that belongs to both of us. He warned that talking each area out and trying to find middle ground is not the best way to find the comprimise, certainly we will talk about some of these things, but a better way is to start asking questions like, "is the way I am doing it now in a certain area comprimise?" and self assessing and checking in with your partner if it is or not, and make the adjustments from there. One other point that really stood out is that no one should be a better protector of your partner than you, not a sibling, not even a parent, that a spouse both the husband to the wife and the wife to the husband need to be each other best protector, essentially a warrior for each other, I really liked this and it helped me recognize that even when I am upset at Shad that it is still my job to be his greatest advocate and protector. He ended with it is better to be wrong together than correct apart, it can't be about my way but OUR way, we win, we lose together. and to be careful how we use no, use not right now or how about later or hey I will make time for that in so and so days, that no can be a way to flaunt your metaphorical muscles and just stop the conversation or close and cut off the other person. The key with this here though is to follow through if you have said later, or it is like saying no, just playing with the words. This gave me lots of food for thought, I know some of this stuff is straight forward and makes sense to anyone that is in a relationship, and most of you probley know this stuff anyways, it was helpful for me to assess how much of this I am doing and what I can do better, I really like this class and am excited to continue to go with Shad, I think we will be closer and have a stronger marriage because of it. :)

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Belly Pics

Okay okay I got called out by Bri to post some belly here they are even though I do not like taking pictures in my last month...mainly because I rarely get ready and I am usually in comfortable clothes like sweats since everything else feels closterphobic on me....anyway here you go....:)

Saturday, March 22, 2008

a moment...just a moment...

So a quick update on the whole babio of now my baby is still head up and I am only at a 1, it isn't even april yet, so I am not worried, Tae was head up clear until the last week or so, I will let you know more as it goes since now I am to once a week visits, I have to make the decision by wednesday if I want the doc to manually try and move him head down, but it is not a gentle "hey lets turn your baby with my hands moment" it can be pretty rough for me and the baby, and it is only 65% effective and half the time after that percentage the babies go back to being head up again, what I read online is that most babies who are head up turn by the time it is go time, so again...I think I am going to decline on the manual movement if he is still head up wednesday, and just patiently wait for this little guy to turn and for my body to get more and more ready for labor, I figure babies come when they are ready and if I am not filled with fear and worry, he'll know what to do and help me out and turn when he needs it has been interesting to watch so many things change at the place I usually work when I am not pregnant, lots of people moving around and moving on and all sorts of different jobs are opening up...sometimes I think about what if....what if I had walked a different road, taken a different know that kind of thing, I have watched people over the years I have worked at 2n come and go and some have made a really nice career at 2n, I never wanted to be on the management side of things, and sometimes I wonder what it would have been like if I had been....I have a moment, but it ends up being just a moment..and then I remember that the universe is big and expansive and there is room for us all to achieve our dreams, I watch others step into some amazing opportunities and realize that the timing or the desire for certain jobs for me has just not been there, so I continue to trust in the lord and wait patiently for my time to realize one of my dreams, to work on the theraputic side of things, until then, I get to realize one of my other dreams right now, to have an amazing family that will soon be filled with 2 sweet boys....well 3 if you count their daddy!!!

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Some more silly faces....

Here are a couple more...:)The one with the hat and mittens is funny because out of the blue Tae came up to me and wanted them on, he wore them for the next few hours...silly boy...

Favorite Funny Taegyn Faces....

Here are a few of my favorite funny faces Taegyn makes lately...he is a hoot!!

"Ode to the Sleepless nights...."

Oh sleepless night, how I hate for you to come... when you come and visit me the next day I feel like a big bum....not wanting to move or do anything all just really seems so silly.....Go away sleepless night, wait what is that you say?....there is much more to come with the little one on the way?...Embrace you, love you get used to having you around....because there is more to come where I am bound?....well I say no, there has to be an answer....because I am pretty sure that lots of sleepless nights could cause cancer...:)I say go away, I will figure it out....and then during the day no longer will I pout...I will find a way to banish you forever....don't you worry I am pretty damn (excuse me..) clever....I will swim the greatest seas....turn over lots of find the cure that keeps you at bay....I am very serious about this here ok....I can't be living in a zombie like place...can't you see why I am pleading this case....enough with the taunting, I find you quite gone with you, I banish you...I actually think your are a like a really big peice of poo...yeah how do you like that, not so much you say?....well then go away so I can hit the hay....leave me alone so I can get some rest...don't you understand...NOBODY likes you the fact I am pretty sure its safe to say, NOBODY wants to play with you any again for the last time please go away...I must find a way to keep you at bay.....

More later folks on my quest for a wonderful nights sleep, with no interuptions....

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Mony, Mony, Mony

Well here is our newest addition to the family for awhile, her name is Harmony, but she goes by Mony, she is a lab puppy about 6ish months old, we are doing our cousin Merissa a favor while she moves her life to Salt Lake City and figures out if she can keep her or not....we watch so many other dogs that it was easy to tell Mersa we would help her out. I am not going to lie though, she can be stressful at times...mainly because she is still a puppy and does puppy things like pull everything out of the trash and drag it all over the house...pee on my carpets...(so far this has only happened twice, lets hope thats the end of that...) chew apart my running shoes, yeah they are ruined, but luckly I have another pair, chew apart my chaco flips...yeah I have lots of pairs of those, and dig holes all over are yard, ya know I don't care about the holes...but she did dig up my precious baby pomagranate tree and bit off all the new growth from last year, I have been nurturing this plant for the last 2 years, I was afraid she had killed it, I didn't get it, of all the things to pick to dig up and chew on I didn't get that one, she got in big trouble for that one I am not going to lie, I was really mad about it, I mean 2 years is a super special breed of pomogranate bush, so she is lucky she didn't kill it, she knows now not to ever touch it now at least I am pretty sure she does...anyway it all sounds like a crazy time, but here are the good things, Shad enjoys having her in the field and she gets to play with him, I like taking her on late evening walks, and she is really good on them, she is a fast learner, she is really beginning to understand what she can and can't chew on, she does not touch the trash any more and I hope she is done with peeing in the house. Her and Taegyn completely get along now, he loves giving her little doggy treats when she picks up her foot and shakes and overall this is a great learning experience to see if we are ready for a dog, Shad gets dog hungry every now and then so what a great opportunity, she is in a trainable place and can teach us a lot about owning a dog. Overall I like having her here, even if she is a little devil at times.....more on her I am sure later.....this is her favorite chewy toy that we gave her. :)

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Trikey Trike

So this is Taegyns favorite new toy, he always wants to go outside and ride it, he wants to live on it right now...he had his first wreck on it the other day, he started pushing himself and started going down the driveway and it went to fast and he just fell over once he hit the grass, he was not a happy camper, and I didn't have the camera handy once it happened, plus I had to console him, so this picture is a couple of days later, obviously he still loves his trike! :)

Taegyn fest....continued

Taegyn fest....

So here are a bunch of cute pictures of my boy....:)

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

The adventure of today.....

So today's adventure with Taegyn was quite interesting.....I threw away some blueberries that were going bad...(I can tell you all know where I might be going with this...) and Taegyn LOVES blueberries...well needless to say I ran upstairs and had to check something on the computer, I thought he would be fine, little did I know that he would find the blueberries in the trash, eat a few and then dump the rest out, but he didn't stop there my fine friends....after he spilled them out, he decided to squish and stomp on them ALL! I came downstairs to a blueberry mess(I was gone for maybe 5 min by the way...). At first I found myself wanting to get mad because of the mess, and then I realized, other than taking a moment to teach Taegyn to not take things out of the trash, that he was being very innocent, the blueberries were on the very top of the trash and in his mind there for the taking, and he likes to eat them, I realized he was just being a baby boy, and that he wouldn't understand why I was mad at him because I feed him those almost every instead I picked them all up, (I had him help me) we went over to the trash and I told him to not take things out, and then when he went down for a nap I shampooed the carpets to get most of the stains out....Now for my lesson of the day....messes are messes and they just aren't worth the tender little feelings of our dear children, I am not saying that Taegyn doesn't sit in time-out for somethings and that boundries and rules aren't important, but teaching Taegyn to not take things out of the trash did not have to include me yelling at him for making a mess, I could let it go, teach him how to pick up with me, and teach him that we don't take things out of the trash in a loving way that he understood, and I walked away with yes maybe a little more work for the day, but ultimately feeling great about how I handled squished blueberries all over the place, I have hurt Taegyn's feelings before with sharp words....let me tell ya' right now's not worth it and today I was so grateful for the opportunity to teach Taegyn in a different way, and I may have to do it over and over again, but I prefer that way instead of yelling over and over least some food for thought for me today!! I love that Taegyn is my constant teacher...:)

Sunday, March 9, 2008

One more....

More "cupboard hut" pictures

Can we really have this much fun?

Well it is official! I LOVE the age and stage that Taegyn is at, we have SO much fun together it seems unreal sometimes that I can have such a blessed time in my life to spend so much time with Taegyn, I don't have a ton of work taking my attention away and even school is so mellow right now, we get to play together most of the day. He is beginning to resist naps and going to bed, but only cries for 10-15 min before deciding to play in his crib or go to sleep, so these pictures are from the other day, he took out all the tuperware and decided to have a little "cuboard hut", I have so much fun watching him develop his personality and explore the world, I never get sick of hearing what a happy baby he is, I know this is because we nurture and play with him a lot and we foster and environment where he can explore and develop, and we play with him a could I not, Shad gets jealous about all the time I get to spend with him, but he gets his fun time in as well, they say in psychological studies that if men did nothing else but took the time to play with their kids from the time they were born for 1 hour a day, that they would have well adjusted kids and a great bond with dad, Shad really strives for that time with Taegyn. I know Taegyn is special and that he came to this earth with his own unique qualities, and it is so much fun to watch those develop and also to see how Shad and I influence his development, he has a lot of family and friends who love him and show him affection! Taegyn definently knows he is loved and best of all he really knows how to play and laugh, aside from the occasional treat fit, or betime fit that boy rarely cries, I got so lucky with this sweet special boy, I pray in graditude daily to God for letting us watch over and be parents to this amazing boy! Somethimes I wonder how Shad and I got so dang lucky, when he was born a good friend told me a great compliment that Taegyn was lucky to have me as a mom, but as I spend such precious moments with this great spirit and revil in all that he teaches me, I realize more each day that it is Shad and I who truely are the lucky ones to have Taegyn in our lives, he teaches me about joy, love, patience, kindness, laughter and so much more. I watched two young brothers play today and I got so excited to have 2 boys that will be close to each other. I know they will fight but I also hope they stand by each others sides and can also be the best of friends. I can't believe I can have this much fun in my life right now. And the irony is that someone else may look at my life and think it is boring, but I can't remember when I have had this much fun and it is because Shad and I made him and we are responsible for him, God entrusted us with such a bright light and I truely am grateful and wouldn't trade any fun experience I have had in the past to my now mellow, low-key life right now. Now if we could just get Taren here...I say the sooner the better, as soon as April 1 hits I say any day works for me....I think if all is going well I will induce april 9th....that is soooo close...unless he decided to surprise me and fulfill my early wishes, then he can come early.....I love my life! :)

Friday, March 7, 2008

So this is what happens when....

Taegyn woke up really early today, at least early for me, it was 8am, I usually sleep till 9am and he just plays till I come and get him, well he was crying at like 7:30 am so when he was still going at 8 I went and got him, I shut my door downstairs and laid on the couch while he played with his toys, well this is what happens when mommy is not really paying attention...

Thursday, March 6, 2008

So Close.....

This is one of my favorite pictures, he wanted it on, and then when I put it on he was soooo mad....

Well I am feel so close but soooo far away....I am excited for this baby to come, it does not feel like it is going to change our lives drastically, but everyone else says 2 especially this close is crazy....we'll see, people said stuff about 1 being hard and Taegyn has been a huge blessing in our lives, the easiest happiest baby I hope Taren fits right into the swing of things. What I don't like right now is my tight tight belly and aching ribs....I went to the doctor the other day and he is head up still, so hopefull in the next 2 weeks he moves down into the correct position...we want a smooth easy birth, in fact that is what I hopefully that is what I attract. We just adopted another dog for a little while, her name is Harmony, mony for short, she is my cousins dog, we said goodbye to lucky, she was way too dang needy for me and she couldn't go in the field with Shad, and Mony can, she is a 6 month old lab puppy, I thought it would be a good opportunity for Shad to see if he is really ready for a dog soon, she hasn't grown on him yet, but its only been a few days. She is still a puppy so she can be a little mouthy and it scares Taegyn, so we have had to work on that a lot, she is a fast learner though and she understands now that it is not ok to be rough around my baby....however the other night she woke us up like 6 times to let her out to go to the bathroom, I started to get so I put her outside, then came the barking the rest of the night. I decided to try something, now it might sound mean, but I wanted her to learn it was not ok to bark non-stop at night, so I put her out around 9pm and sure enough around 10:30 pm she started barking, I asked her to stop, she didn't so she got the muzzle, she hated it, tried to take it off and resigned to go lay down in the pen outside, now this muzzle still lets her breath and drink water, it isn't a mean one, just keeps her from barking...well I went and took it off around 3am when I got up to pee, and didn't hear a peep from her the rest of the night, she didn't even wake us to go to the bathroom, sooooo I think we are all beginning to adjust to each other which is good because I think we are going to have her for at least the next 2 months. She is sweet and a fast learner. I like having her around....more later

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Just another day in paradise....

Well it has been a few days, last night I could not get to bed for the life of me, I would lay down and just could not get comfortable, I am sooo ready for this baby to be born, seriously as soon as April hits I would be fine with him coming anytime early that month, it feels right around the corner....I am surprised at how mellow everything feels for me right now, even school seems totally under control with no extra stress, sometimes I feel like I have tons of time on my hands, but I don't feel like doing much....Kinda sucks. Shad went down and saw our new nephew and he said he remembered how much work Tinies are and that he wasn't ready for another all of the sudden....then he told me he was, he just isn't looking forward to less sleep. I am really excited to see what Taren is going to be like....til next time...