Tagged by Kristy Pool
So I was tagged by my wonderful sister Kristy and I am going to write 5 things you didn't know about me.
If I tagged you here's what you do. Post the words in all caps below and fill in info about yourself. Then, at the end you tell who you are tagging & go and tag 5 friends on their blogs. It's just a way to get to know fun little things about people
TEN YEARS AGO......I was into my first year playing softball at UVSC, it was a blast, traveling with the team and meeting a new best friend Heidi, I had some crazy fun adventure with her. I also was living with Cami at the time, and that was of course super fun and adventurous....UVSC was really like 13th grade...I knew everyone..still lots of fun times there...I miss playing on a team like that...
FIVE PLACES I HAVE LIVED....Hmmm Texas, Mississippi, and then grew up in Provo, lived in MOAB as a river guide for awhile and that was super interesting....yeah some crazy stories there and now in St. George Utah, never thought I would end up here, but here we are....
FIVE THINGS ON MY TO DO LIST...... Organize our new finished computer room upstairs, organize all my stuff lying around by the computer, clean the bathrooms (I always put this one off forever...), burn some CD's for friends and catch up on some movies....
I ENJOY..... My sweet baby boy, we have such a fun time right now, I love finding things to do with Shad, even if it is watching a show together, any sports and outdoor stuff although that is on the shelf for a little bit right now with being hugely prego...hanging out with my family and friends, going to movies, reading a good book and making jewelry....and learning about energy and psychology...oh and making good cookies...
THREE BAD HABITS..... well I already said one, I am a slacker bathroom cleaner, I hate bathrooms and most of the time it is dirty because of Shad...I mean come on men get it in the toilet...:), sometimes I procrastinate my homework....and sometimes I stay up way too late doing mindless studpid stuff, I really should just get to bed...
FIVE THINGS YOU MIGHT NOT KNOW ABOUT ME..... 1 - Love Love the show Lost, I have other shows I like but I love lost....2- I am a crazy shower singer at times...3- I used to have a big crush on Heath Ledger, and now it is James Franco...4- I like Jack Johnson music....5- I would love to get lost with my family for a year and backpack all over the place....that would be so fun!! And I would love to river guide again...on the futelefu (I know I probley spelled that wrong)
FIVE JOBS THAT I HAVE HAD..... Lets really say what didn't I do before I started working at 2nd Nature....I mean I was a janitor at BYU, Spenc and I had some fun times for sure there from 5am-9am...I did sales on phones, surveys, I worked for insurance companies, Spencer and I tried to be construction sign holders once, I was a river guide (one of my favorites) you name it I think I tried it...ok maybe that is total exageration, but I did a lot of jobs....
I tag BRI,DEM,CAMI,MOM(get a blog mom),EMILY(I know you are getting one soon)
Slow Start
I slept in until 8:30, which is a big deal for me.
Christian had already started work when I woke up, but the house was
We had stayed up so la...
1 week ago
Didn't Lost blow you away today. I won't say anything in case you haven't seen it yet. I called my brother as soon as it was over to ask him a question. I just blurted out the question, but he hadn't watched it yet. Needless to say, he is not too happy with me right now!
Yay, I love that you have been blogging often lately. Keep it up.
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