Living and Authentic life

Friday, February 29, 2008

I am not sure about that meter thingy below

Well I looked on my cousin Cami's blog page and she had this fun meter, but after doing it I don't know, I mean it was nice to hear he looks equally like both of us, but most of Taegyn's living life I have heard he is a little clone of Shad and only has my I am not sure if I believe this meter thing, because I do think Tae looks a lot like Shad.....Joy to insomnia.....the things we do....:)

Sorensen Look-alike Meter

MyHeritage: Family tree - Genealogy - Celebrity - Collage - Morph

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Umm...this one was cute too...

In fact it is one of my favorites....


Well here I am up at 2am because I can't sleep right now, but doesn't my blog look cool, yeah well after trying to read a few articles for my research paper, I decided I would have some fun with my no sleeping time...and whala..a beautiful new yeah were going to need you to come in on friday...yeah...(just in case you didn't know that was a quote from office space...) anyway...I am tired again, so I am going to try and get some sleep, at least I went to bed at 9pm tonight so maybe that will help with waking up....oh yeah for babies and yeah for cooler blogs because of them...yeah how about my new pregnancy is so cool it shows you how big the baby is getting....oh good times....good times indeed....:) I have been going through my pictures lately and have found some dang cute ones like the one above...

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Time on my hands....

Well I am finding these last two weeks myself with lots of time on my hands, I mean I have a school assignment here or there but no tests for here I am blogging, I just have to say that I wish we only carried babies 7 months, these last 2 months always are difficult for me, I have a hard time getting comfortable, so I have a hard time sleeping, I try and drink lots of water so I have to pee all the time whih is so annoying at night when I am trying to get quality rest, I have to be careful what time I eat at night so I don't get acid reflux....and it is harder to breath and my dang ribs hurt, this is when I start saying things to Shad like....Hey remind me we want to wait 3 or 4 years for another is always the last 2 months...I think the worst is feeling so lethargic and tired, because I didn't sleep well last night, it was so hard to get up today, Tae doesn't usually cry in the morning, he just plays till I go get him (what a blessing) even if it isn't till 10am, he'll squack at me if I wait to long, but he wakes up between 8 and 9 am and will play for awhile before he asks for me which is nice because right now I like to sleep in till 9 or 10.... well this morning all I wanted to do was sleep, and he woke me up at 8am screaming...not usual behavior for him, so I got up and felt tired all day long, I hate feeling that sucks because I don't want to do anything and that makes me so mad because I want to have energy to do stuff.....anyway blah blah blah, just me venting about being prego and uncomfortable, on the bright sunny side of life, I did get to hang out with Demeree for a little bit today and we had a wonderful chat...she is going through hell and manages to stay so positive, she is such a good example to me....Now if I can just get some consistent rest I won't feel so tired all the time...., I wish that ticker up above said like 15 days to go....I guess I can make it 49 more days.....:)

Monday, February 25, 2008

Good Cooking....

I am so proud of myself I had to write a quick blog about it, I just made some green curry with chicken and rice and it turned out AWESOME!! I mean it was a little on the hot side for Shad and I but overall, the flavor was great...I still need to learn how to adjust the spice level with Thai cooking, but I am soooo glad it turned out good, I branched out with my cooking skills and it paid off....I made Masala curry an indian dish awhile back and it was soooo HOT that Shad and I could not eat yeah for me for learning how to cook yummy healthy meals that have lots of of these days maybe Shad will jump in.....I won't hold my breath:)

My little lion

So Tae wanted to be a lion the other day, we got this costume from his friend Nate and it is to small for him now, when I was going through the clothes that we get from him after Nate outgrows them, we found this little gem, and Tae kept trying to put it on, so I decided since we are trying to learn different animal sounds anyway like...what does a lion say and then I say...Roar and try and get him to do it, I thought this would be the perfect way for him to learn about lions...we had a blast, he wore this to walmart and got flooded with "oh he is so cute" comments...and he learned what lions say and did it all dang cute....I love my life with him right now, he is my little buddy and as you can see we have a blast together...:)

Thursday, February 21, 2008


Tagged by Kristy Pool

So I was tagged by my wonderful sister Kristy and I am going to write 5 things you didn't know about me.
If I tagged you here's what you do. Post the words in all caps below and fill in info about yourself. Then, at the end you tell who you are tagging & go and tag 5 friends on their blogs. It's just a way to get to know fun little things about people

TEN YEARS AGO......I was into my first year playing softball at UVSC, it was a blast, traveling with the team and meeting a new best friend Heidi, I had some crazy fun adventure with her. I also was living with Cami at the time, and that was of course super fun and adventurous....UVSC was really like 13th grade...I knew everyone..still lots of fun times there...I miss playing on a team like that...

FIVE PLACES I HAVE LIVED....Hmmm Texas, Mississippi, and then grew up in Provo, lived in MOAB as a river guide for awhile and that was super interesting....yeah some crazy stories there and now in St. George Utah, never thought I would end up here, but here we are....

FIVE THINGS ON MY TO DO LIST...... Organize our new finished computer room upstairs, organize all my stuff lying around by the computer, clean the bathrooms (I always put this one off forever...), burn some CD's for friends and catch up on some movies....

I ENJOY..... My sweet baby boy, we have such a fun time right now, I love finding things to do with Shad, even if it is watching a show together, any sports and outdoor stuff although that is on the shelf for a little bit right now with being hugely prego...hanging out with my family and friends, going to movies, reading a good book and making jewelry....and learning about energy and psychology...oh and making good cookies...

THREE BAD HABITS..... well I already said one, I am a slacker bathroom cleaner, I hate bathrooms and most of the time it is dirty because of Shad...I mean come on men get it in the toilet...:), sometimes I procrastinate my homework....and sometimes I stay up way too late doing mindless studpid stuff, I really should just get to bed...

FIVE THINGS YOU MIGHT NOT KNOW ABOUT ME..... 1 - Love Love the show Lost, I have other shows I like but I love lost....2- I am a crazy shower singer at times...3- I used to have a big crush on Heath Ledger, and now it is James Franco...4- I like Jack Johnson music....5- I would love to get lost with my family for a year and backpack all over the place....that would be so fun!! And I would love to river guide again...on the futelefu (I know I probley spelled that wrong)

FIVE JOBS THAT I HAVE HAD..... Lets really say what didn't I do before I started working at 2nd Nature....I mean I was a janitor at BYU, Spenc and I had some fun times for sure there from 5am-9am...I did sales on phones, surveys, I worked for insurance companies, Spencer and I tried to be construction sign holders once, I was a river guide (one of my favorites) you name it I think I tried it...ok maybe that is total exageration, but I did a lot of jobs....

I tag BRI,DEM,CAMI,MOM(get a blog mom),EMILY(I know you are getting one soon)

A Couple of things.....

Ok so I am off to Hilldale today to visit the polygamists to get some raw milk....because the other farm is 2 1/2 hours away so it is a difference of a 1 1/2 hour trip or 4-5ish....but the milk in redmond (the far away place) is better because the cows are grass fed, and the cows in Hilldale are alfalfa and grain fed...yes people it makes a difference in the quality of milk. Anyway it is still a pain to get and I do it anyway because I have seen the wonderful health benefits my beautiful boy experiences....(you can ask me about them if your curious) I just wish that someone closer or in town would sell raw milk here because usually my mom just brings it up from provo once a month (from Real Foods Market...awesome store) but we still run out sometimes and I have to supplement with the Hilldale milk or get the organic pasturized, homoginized crap they have at the store, I know I know you all hear that and say we drink that crap....and the organic is better than regular milk in the store...but still it is crap, you kill everything good when you pasturize and homoginization is soooo bad for the milk....and re fortifying it with vitamins and minerals is like trying to take a multi vitamin instead of eating your vegetables...ok so off my milk soapbox, I just am saying I wish there was a store I could go buy it in like in provo instead of having to drive far away to get the goods.....Oh yeah we all drink it too (Shad and I) and we have seen a huge difference....I still can't get my family to drink it though....ideally I would have my own land to have my own cows (for grass fed beef and milk) and have my own fresh chicken eggs and a big beautiful garden where I grow all my own organic vegetables, then eating healthy would be a sinch and not a million dollars....ok I did say a couple of things so here is the other thing, my boy is growing up so is exciting and I am sad sometimes....before I know it he will be graduating from HS ready to leave on a mission (assuming he wants to go) and off into the big world....makes me crazy sometimes....He is such a fun age right now, he is just figuring out hide and go seek, we have a blast...oh and he LOVES treats, he asks for them all day and surely can weasle 2 or 3 out of me a day....yeah sometimes treats are chocolate and somtimes they are is easy to give him lots of healthy treats though it is the other ones I worry about...have a created a sugar fiend....Anyway life is good! :)

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Silly boy

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Our new one to come

Here is Taren....
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Living the good life

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Living the Happy life


Good grades and more.....

Ok, I just finished a take home exam, it is for a pretty hard class and I have to admit, I am pretty proud of myself, I am getting all A's currently. If all goes well this semester (which it is looking like it is....) I only have 2 classes in the summer to take and then I am done with my undergrad and walk away at the end of the summer with my bachelor's degree....take a small break and then on to my Masters....I am sooooo excited, I think to not mess with finals I am going to induce as early as possible, which means I could have this baby on the 9th of April (assuming my body is ok with that) I am so excited about my life right now, we got a new computer that I love, our room upstairs is almost done, Shad and I are doing wonderful, tonight we played with Taegyn chasing him around the room and hiding from him, he is already understanding how to play hide and seek, we had such fun....Oh I live such a blessed life....:)

Monday, February 11, 2008

Taren Stanley Sorensen

Well, time surely flies, here we are just within two months of having baby #2. The name we decided on is Taren Stanley Sorensen, a way to honor both of my parents, they have been amazing parents to have, I feel so blessed to be a part of thier lives, they have been more generous and loving than I can ever say thank you enough for, they are amazing people and I am so glad to call them friends...:)
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Friday, February 8, 2008

Shad's Birthday

Well it was Shad's 29th Birthday on the 6th of Feb!!! It seems like birthdays for us just aren't as big of a deal anymore, but I tried to make it special for him, Cami made one of his favorite dinners, salsa chicken and Dem came over with the kids and we sang happy birthday to him! He hates regular cake so I got him an ice cream cake, one of the big presents to ourselves (since my birthday was in January) was to finish the upstairs and that he did! And it looks wonderful. Anyway we have a great life! Here are some pictures of his cake and his celebration day and then some cute ones of Taegyn...:)