Jennie, your best quality shines through in how Intelligent you are The fact that you're a smart person who is more able to understand complex concepts than many other people are really draws people to you! But that's not the only thing. Your answers on the test indicate you're great at expressing yourself and can be at your best when articulating your ideas or communicating with others. You are a caring and considerate person who is typically very loving, as well, too.
In all, there are 15 qualities that help define you when you're at your best. Those are the traits potential employers, friends, and partners look for in you. What makes you unique is your particular distribution of those 15 qualities.
We've found that your particular combination of qualities is rare — only 3 in 10,000 people share the same general mix of traits. Those are great odds if you're trying to show a potential employer, colleague, friend, or date why you're exactly the right person for them.
(well good times....I am off to bed no more tests....:)
Slow Start
I slept in until 8:30, which is a big deal for me.
Christian had already started work when I woke up, but the house was
We had stayed up so la...
1 week ago
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