Well after submitting my project proposals for my internship this year...I find I have some rare extra time to blog....I like doing this..it is therapy for me and a nice way to journal...ok so how am I really doing these days...well I am somewhat overwhelmed, I really have just added way to much on my plate...it is a combination of not saying no and trying to help people I care about while at the same time trying to take care of the whole family by myself...is it any surprise I am sick...and both my babies are too? after realizing I am trying to work, take care of a new baby, a toddler and Shad now...trying to make sure Mony has enough exercise so she doesn't spaz out in the pen...trying to make it to Young womens wednesday nights and planning lessons every 3rd sunday in YW's....on top of trying to keep the house clean and meals prepared and watch Dem's kids so she can work....add not getting much sleep since Taren still wakes up every 2-4 hours...and let's cherry top it with school....fast summer classes...what was I thinking!!! I know if I can just make it through this next month 2 or 3 things will be off my plate and things will start to slow down a little and shad will be way more mobile and at least walking without crutches....I just found out Tae has double ear infections and taking the antibiotics have given him a nasty yeast diaper rash....so he is in pain every time I change him....Taren has thrush in his mouth so we both have to be treated for yeast...I have decided to start giving Tae and Taren some Accidophilus to combat the overflow of yeast and I as well will be taking it.....geez I mean what the hell,....quite the month of may I tell ya! well now its june and if I can just make it through this month I can gather myself all back together and get back to normal...well just not doing so much....I just want to make sure I get good grades, I feel like I am on the last lap to finish and I want to finish well! Anyway enough venting, I truely still feel so blessed....my mom and dad are coming to pick up Taegyn tomorrow and taking him for the week to give me a break and give me time to study so I can take my test on friday. I love them so much, they are so good to me. And they are such great grand parents, I know Tae will have a blast with them! It is starting to get really hot here, so swimming/biking and all sorts of summer fun here I come!!!
Slow Start
I slept in until 8:30, which is a big deal for me.
Christian had already started work when I woke up, but the house was
We had stayed up so la...
1 week ago
Wow, that is really overwhelming. I would be trashed. I know right now I could not even do half the stuff you are doing. How cool your parents are helping out. That is so great. Good luck, and wish I could help in some way. You're a stud.
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