Well well well my friends who read my blog.....The day came January 12 and I turned 30! I look back on the last 10 years from when I turned 20 and I sometimes can't believe how fast it went....and other times I think how did I fit all that in....in just 10 YEARS! Seriously people I am SO excited for the next 10 years of my life! Turning 30 for some can be tough....for me it was the most wonderful day! Well I really should just say week, because it was a birthday week!...I will give you a play by play...so Monday which happened to be the 12, the day I was born I was scheduled to go into the field to work...I wasn't sad because I knew I could go play on the weekend to officially celebrate my birthday, so I got a cake at Lin's, it was a carrot cake...won't get that one again...it was so sickenly sweet...one small piece gave me a stomach ache...we had enough cake for 2 days....I got out of the field and Shad surprised me with a dinner at the new Brazillian steakhouse here in town and it was so good, my favorite was the grilled pineapple. Then on Friday I spent the whole day with my boys...cause I missed them! Saturday Dem and I had plans to go visit Kp in Vegas! So we left Saturday morning and came back Sunday night....We had a BLAST! Dancing, playing games and just having a grand ol' time! A great week! I feel like over the last 10 years I have accomplished so much, I loved playing softball at UVSC (now UVU), I loved being a river guide in Moab, that opened my eyes to so much living in that cool little town and having a cool job like that for the summer! I was able to develop a love for the river which I still love to go and do each summer! (Yeah SKULL hole!) ok....so this draft has been sitting in limbo for awhile so I am going to fast forward a bit.....I found Second Nature after rafting in Moab and really have never looked back...I found Shad along the way and within the last ten years I have 2 amazing boys, have become a great mother and love my life, I am on the cusp of finishing my masters degree and becoming a therapist and I feel like the whole world is open to possibilities...I know there is another baby for sure in the mix somewhere here in the next 10 years...maybe 2 more, but one for sure and overall I am so excited for 30 and beyond! Shad just celebrated his 30th birthday on the 6th, and I surprised him with a little party at Matt's house, his sister was there for that and that was a nice touch....Shad has really began to reconnect with his family and I can tell he is so much happier because of it! He broke out with this viral rash infection, that is supposed to go away on its own....and is feels like he is ready to start working out and playing racquetball again and working on getting 100% on his knee. Tae can't say enough these days...he is talking whole sentences and letting me know when he does or does not like something. He really hates it when his hands are dirty...he has adjusted to me being gone for 4 days a week, and is so excited to see me when I get home, he says....Mommy I missed you and I love you, please give me huggies and kisses....how can I resist....:) Taren is growing like a weed and developing his own special personality, he loves to try and play with Tae, and gets frustrated when they leave him because he is too small...he has figured out stairs so the gates are back up until he figures out how to go down....well we ordered a new laptop, something simple so that we could use it downstairs more, Taren is still in the computer room, so when the boys are down for naps at the same time...there is no sneaking in an blogging when I have some downtime if they are asleep cause Taren will wake up if I walk in....so hopefully I can get to blogging more once that shows up! :) Here are some pictures to enjoy of life in 2009, we went swimming when Shantell and the girls visited...and us playing at the park...and Shad about Taegyn's age...thought that would be fun to share. :)My eyes are doing funny things in some of those photos...oh well.
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Turning 30 (and loving it!), graduate school, work, and just life in general!
Posted by :) Jen at 8:27 PM 1 comments
Saturday, January 10, 2009
Christmas 2008!
So we had a WONDERFUL christmas! My family came up to St. George and spent 2 weeks here it was so GREAT! I took off work for Christmas and I am so glad I did, the week before there was snow up to my knees while I was in the field, I could not believe it, it just kept dumping and dumping snow, so it was so nice to get out of the snow and have a lot of fun with my family. I am so grateful they all made an effort to meet in St. George to spend time together, after the traveling to Texas...yeah 40 hours total in the van with a 2 year old, I was ready to just stay put for awhile. SO Taegyn had a blast opening presents and then opening everyone else's presents, he had cute christmas PJ's and we fit movies, racquetball, dice game and made treats and ate really good food and had wonderful chats and catch up time, it was great to see Spencer for so long and the next week around New Years we had a lot of fun golfing. Overall it was so much fun, Shad had a hard time with working over Christmas and missed out on some of the fun, and next year he will have Christmas off! This next year should be a lot of fun and as I look over 2008 we got a lot accomplished, our house is moving along, we welcomed in Taren into our family and he is so much fun, he is cutting teeth right now so kinda grumpy! Tae is almost 2 1/2 right now and turning from a baby to a little boy, his new favorite toy and movie is Buzz lightyear! He will even say to infinity and beyond and run around the house shooting his lazer. We got him a toy and a costume to wear around the house, he never wants to take it off....I will have to get some pictures of him in it, the goal this year is to finish the bathroom and landing and stairs and build a new bigger shed, tear down the old one, get rid of stuff we aren't using so we aren't pack ratting it up, then making a garden this year and actually getting a yard and a fence so the kids can play in the back and Mony can run around, Shad has fallen deeply in love with her and she has become a part of our family. I am going to look for a graduate program that fits for me and apply and get ready to go to graduate school here in the next year or two, and study and take the GRE.....and Shad will think about getting his bachelor's. We both think if he is going to do it, now would be the time to start fitting that in.....and down the road a year or two we may add one more to our family! So that is us in a nutshell! We love our lives and feel so blessed continually to share it with such cool people! :)
Posted by :) Jen at 11:28 AM 1 comments