Living and Authentic life

Saturday, August 18, 2007

The joy of cousins...:)

So this is another one of my favorite faces that Taegyn pulls, especially when Secoya tries to be big and hold him. All the time Secoya wants to hold him and he knows she is too small, (he is too heavy for her) and this is what ends up happening...I love it! :)
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Wednesday, August 15, 2007


Hey I was just thinking....since my last entry, nobody better get Taegyn a popper as a joke for christmas or something...Spencer don't even think about it or this will happen to your face....:)
Ok I can't get the picture to show up without it being here is the link

More of my beautiful boy...

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blowing out the birthday candle!
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Happy Boy!

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Taegyn's new favorite toy!

For his first birthday Taegyn got leap frog barn, you can put a horse, a sheep, a duck and a pig, you also can put the front and back of the animals and mix them up, the little frog on the top plays banjo songs, so every so often I hear..."she'll be coming around the mountain when she comes....." and "you made a match, look what you've've made a match, hear a horse sound...." in a little kid melody, oh the little frog also plays "banjo on my knee" and "the farmer and the dale..." he plays and plays and plays, then pulls off all the magnents off the fridge, the end of my day always ends with putting the DVD's back on the shelf, putting his books back on the shelf, restocking the tuperware cupboard (it is just for him, since he can't break anything and he pulls everything out) and putting all the magnents back on the fridge...Oh what I life, I love that little least he doesn't have a popper...:)
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This is him eating his yummy birthday cake, he threw up later....but I am sure it was worth it...:)

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Taegyn;s birthing story.....

Well, here we go, Shad and I decided we wanted to start trying for a baby, he thought it could take 6 months or more....not me! I knew as soon as we started trying I would get pregnant. Sure enough we started "trying hard" in september and I got pregnant at the start of November, I thought I had gotten pregnant in october and I wanted to try a home birth so I found a midwife here in St. George, I found the one with the most experience in town because I didn't want people to worry. I started going every month for check ins and I was always measuring small, the pregnancy was wonderful, my skin was awesome, I was never sick, and on the whole I felt great. The only thing that bothered my was the sense of smell, it was off the wall, I could smell everything to the one millionth power. I could smell meat in a way I have never thought I could, it made me want to throw up. I could smell my husband if he didn't shower everyday...we laugh about this now but sometimes I would refuse to go to bed until he rinsed off!! The closer we got the the delivery day the more excited I got, my best friend and sister Demeree is a massage therapist and she helped me with sore muscles and relaxing. I was fine as far as being comfortable until my last trimester, man then it started to get annoying and uncomfortable, I had a hard time sleeping and trying to be comfortable sitting down, and it was HOT, I live in St. George Utah and I am telling you don't be pregnant your last trimester here, it was so miserable sometimes...I would walk outside and want to walk right back inside....especially in JULY, it is the worst month here and we still had not installed central air....we had a smamp cooler, and that means that it was still 85 to 90 degrees because in was 114 outside... yeah not fun! Anyway we realized we were off because my due date was June 26 and as that date closer we realized he was not going to come that day, I took a few stress tests and he always tested fine, my midwife started to get nervous and question herself about timing and after that I started to realize she was getting nervous and putting me into a high risk pregnancy bracket because she still felt like there was a chance I was just way over due...July came and went and at that point I wanted to scream, I was so tired of being pregnant, I just wanted him here, well tuesday night I had horrible contractions all night and the morning or August 2 on Wednesday I knew that he was going to come, (guess he wanted nothing to do with the month of July) we called the midwife at 6am and she came over, measured his heartbeat and flipped out, she said it was too low, after she put me on oxygen she said if it did not change we would have to go to the hospital, at this point I was furious, here I had gone my whole pregnancy waiting to have a home birth and working with Liz and now because she was uncomfortable and couldn't accept that we had just been off on the day, she didn't was to take what was to her a huge risk and deliver my baby, once I realized this Shad asked everyone to leave the room and we prayed, I always felt good about it and didn't feel like we needed to be scared, but I could feel the tension from everyone else, they just wanted me safe and in the hospital, I agreed to go to the hospital and at least get a stress test but that if everything was fine I was going to leave and have the baby at home, I did not want some random doctor delivering my baby, fortunatley as soon as we got there I realized Dr. Lunt was oncall that day, he had been there for my other stress tests, I really liked working with him and being very angry at Liz I finally decided to stay at the hospital, Liz offered to stay, but I didn't want her there. In the end it all worked out because my whole family pretty much came down and was able to be there for his birth. I got an epidural because I was just tired of feeling the contractions, and we relaxed and played cards. About 3pm I started feeling intense contractions and I asked for more medicine, they said I was at an 8 and that we were going to go for it, I had Taegyn at 3:31 pm and he was amazing, he was so relaxed, immediatly started nursing and so sweet, my life changed for the best that day and it was so amazing to see Shad have tears of joy in his eyes for his beautiful son we had brought into this world, he was protective and sweet and such a good daddy... needless to say it was a long 10 months but worth the wait.

Thursday, August 2, 2007

Taegyn's birth story

Ok so this is going to happen sometime soon, I am in the middle of finals so I am going to have to pause for at least the rest of this week, and then on to the good stuff, I have quite the birthing story to tell....:)