Living and Authentic life

Friday, September 9, 2011


My favorite time of year is the fall. It is already starting to happen in Provo and here in St. George it feels like it takes FOREVER for fall to be here!! I love the trees changing and the cool weather, not too cold - not too hot! Hoodies and cute lu lu lemon pants are my staple fall outfit. I know it has been a long time, geez my last post was in January, I have got to do this at least once a month because it feels like time flies by and SO MUCH happens, next thing you know it's been over half a year since I have written. SO, I know there are not a lot of people that read about our little family, but for those that goes the last 8 months......

Well all my boys had birthdays........Shad turned 32 in February, Taren turned 3 in April and Taegyn turned 5 in August! I have included birthday pictures! Buzz, Transformers and Shad's cake! We decided not to start Taegyn in kindergarten because he JUST turned 5 August 2nd and it felt so soon. Waiting a year will help his body and mind mature and be ready for school. For anyone that has boys there is a neat book out called BOYS ADRIFT and it has some amazing points about boys and how they learn to grow up hating school and some things to do about it and help boys love to learn. I love it and a lot of what I read in this book was part of my decision to wait for Tae next year to go to school. We found a kindergarten called Dixie Sun that teaches classes in Spanish 1-2 times a week, which would be so cool for our boys to learn Spanish. ;)

Both the boys are BUSY BUSY BUSY! I think boys are tough on the front end but way less drama (I hope) through the teenage years, so yes I am tired now, but eventually I think they will mellow out! ;) They run run run wherever we go. They love swimming, playing at parks, having Harry Potter read to them (they love reading books) and Taren has to be doing whatever Taegyn is doing. We got both of the boys transformers bikes (of course) Tae has optimus prime and Taren has bumble bee. Our friend told us to take of the training wheels and pedals to teach them balance and scoot around with their legs and when they are ready put the pedals back on and teach them to ride around. They LOVE LOVE LOVE their bikes and many an evening is spent riding around the block with them. Geez they grow up so fast, Taegyn is already moving into his boy face and not toddler baby face anymore.

Football season is here so of course Shad is a happy man, but I don't think his Cardinals are going to be that good this year ;( He is staying busy and getting ready to hunt in the fall. He drew a once in a lifetime Bull Elk tag and is very excited to do this hunt with his brother Shaylor (I am so glad he is going with him) They will have a lot of fun together.

Work is going well! I love being a part of the clinical department and have enjoyed working with the adolescent boys. I think they are one of my favorite age groups to work with. I am applying for grad school at the university of Phoenix and plan on starting in Febuary. I still want to do the APRN degree but while I am here in St. George it makes sense to get a therapy degree so I can do what I want to be doing in the field and get my APRN degree after I am done getting this one. This way I can still work, work in the field I want to be in, and have a degree.

Anyway that is us!! I could not get Taegyn's birthday and bike pictures....I will post them later!

Monday, January 31, 2011

Well here we are and its SPRING!!

OK OK friend Ryan told me I needed to update my blog! So thank you Ryan for the nudge because it is....way behind!! It has been about 4 months...we made it throught the holidays with a lot of family and friend time...which is always a wonderful thing!! I had a birthday and turned 32 (WOW) and feeling better instead of older...I know right...might sound wierd but it is true, I feel like the thirties are going to house some of my best years...I may say that when I am in my forties too, but for now I feel like everything about me and my life is only getting better as I get older! Shad had a birthday as well and is 32 as well....I can't say if he thinks his thirties were better than his twenties but I would guess that 2 little boys in his life make it so...he can't get enough out of being a daddy to those two! And they are very much daddy's boys.....unless they are hurt (then they come to me, because nothing fixes boo boos like a mommy's kiss) they want to do everything with their daddy...its cute! Now we are on the horizon of Taren turning 3! It has gone by soooo fast. Our little one is not so little any more and him and his brother do EVERTHING together. If I am ever with one of my boys without the other they always ask why and where is there brother. They are the best of friends, and of course they have days where they don't get a long and I hope they stay close their whole lives....

Shad and I had planned on having what we think would be our last baby (unless it was twins cause I don't think I could be pregnant 4 times) by the time Taren turned 3 and here it is around the corner! I have to be honest I go back and forth, my boys are SO busy and working full time sometimes I am so tired....AND there is a feeling that lingers and lingers so I feel there is another one....We may officially try in JUNE but we will see.....if not this year then next year and I think that will be it for us and kiddos!

Overall life is busy, fun and full of blessings. We have many loved ones in our lives who fill our hearts with JOY! Hopefully we can enjoy springtime here in St. George before it gets too hot and I will be posting pictures soon of Taren and his BIG 3 lamb roast for his birthday!